You know those emails you get and you wonder how they got your name or another category of emails you may receive and you know its not just a coincidence. Is someone listening to you? Someone is leading and directing your steps. Guess what? I just received an email in the latter category and I know it was directly from God. How do I know that? Because just yesterday I ran into an acquaintance who was talking about how much she has learned from me as I shared the journey that Alzheimer’s took me on as I cared for my mother. This lady specifically encouraged me to write a book. She said those exact words. I thanked her and went on my way, glad to know my writing had helped her in some small way.

Just now, I received an email from Harper Collins, HARPER COLLINS PUBLISHING, inviting me to an Author’s Conference. Do you know who Harper Collins is? I do. They are one, if not THE leading Christian publisher in the world. My heart’s desire was to be published by a Christian company and reach out to those in the same boat I’ve found myself in or those who need encouragement or healing. I have a lot of baggage God has released me from and I’m not afraid to tell the world of my basket of miracles He has performed for me, in me and through me. I have way more material than one person deserves. Trust me. This is a huge God moment for me. I’ve come to recognize them rather quickly these last few months.

I know most of you are familiar with my blogging about being a caregiver, Alzheimer’s and more. But what you may not know is I have a series of children’s books I wrote YEARS ago and already have some sequels in the works as well. This is another example of God’s perfect timing. You will never be able to convince me otherwise. After caring for Mama for ten years and biding my time when I would have the opportunity to devote to writing, here it drops in my lap less than 30 days after Mama passes. You can’t tell me there’s not a God. He is here and alive and listens to my heart’s desire. Excuse me while I do a happy dance!   Please check back and see where this journey takes me.  If you haven’t already, please follow my blog so you don’t miss a thing. I mean, God doesn’t do anything halfway, does He?

Thank you for all of your love and encouragement.  

With a smile (a great big, cheesy smile) and a happy heart,


One of my best friends called me today to tell me she had a dream about my Mom.  Now, Mom just turned 91 on Sunday,  so remember that as I recount this dream.

My friend tells me that Mama passed away, made it to heaven and was given a white robe.  She was then escorted to her new home. Next, she was brought to the choir room to join in singing.  (I’m thinking, wow, Mom has got to be pleased as punch thus far).  She was in the choir, along with many others, all dressed in their white robes.  The conductor invited her to come to the front and allowed her to lead a song.  Much to his dismay, Mom used her limelight opportunity to belt out a Johnny Cash song!  Unbeknownst to my friend and what makes this even more comical to me, is Johnny Cash was my Dad’s favorite musician.

Getting back to the performance, the director shows his disapproval but gives Mom another chance, because I mean, its heaven right…no better place for second chances.   Mom begins to sing again and chooses to belt out Johnny Cash yet again.  At this point, the conductor motions for two angels in white to escort Mama off the stage.

Moral of the story is Norma Jean aka Mama better come up with another song before she can go to heaven.

With a smile and a happy heart,


Have you ever heard the saying that every time you see a red bird, its a visitor from heaven?  I’ve heard that my entire life but never really paid attention to its meaning until my father passed away 40 years ago.

Now that my Mom is quickly approaching 91, and I am well aware her days are numbered, I am more inclined to seek out and appreciate red birds.

Last Christmas I was wasting time, meandering through the aisles at my favorite store, Hobby Lobby, and I came upon these oven mitts.  To me it instantly made me think of my parents.  The red bird for my Dad and the oven mitt for the awesome goodness that came from my Mom’s kitchen and skilled hands.  I picked up four of them for my sisters and myself.  I had recently purchased the ever-so-popular Silhouette machine, so I knew I would put each of our names on the mitt and make it extra special.  You know its a great gift when no explanation is required.

Redbirds, Memory, Dad



There was another paramount reason “Red Bird” struck a chord with me.  Years ago, Mom had made herself a duster (robe) of light-weight material, that was red with little white flowers.  My parents always referred to one another as “Honey,” but she also earned the nickname, “Red Bird” when she started wearing this duster.  It wasn’t until my senior year, the year my Father passed away,  and we discovered a love letter he penned to Mama, that the endearing term “Red Bird” became so precious to me.  I decoupaged the letter that year and gave it to my Mother.  It still hangs in her assisted-living apartment after all these years.  It may be difficult to read because of the years, not because of my Father’s handwriting.  He had beautiful handwriting, and I always admired it.  Get your kleenex!

10:30 AM

Hello “Red Bird,”

How are you doing this A.M?  Honey, I was getting our income tax papers ready to mail, and I heard a song on the radio that pretty well says what my feelings are about just be(ing)  married to you.  The title of the song is “Easy Lovin” by Freddy Hart.  I’ve heard it many times but I never really thought about the words until now.  Honey, I’m very proud, happy, thankful and also lucky to be your husband.  You could have picked from a wide choice, but you decided on me.  I hope that in the future I can make you even happier that you made that choice.  

Love you,




I regret the year was not in the letter.  He went into a coma in March, so this could have been written that year, just a few short months, days, or hours before his final heart attack.  We will never know.  This declaration of his love has been a treasure to me and always will be.  It was mutual, of that I am certain.

With a smile and a happy heart,



Talk about a cliffhanger!!!! Since Mom is turning 91 in a couple of weeks, I asked her if she was getting ready to go to heaven. Her response….wait for it….. it’s a cliffhanger friend…..

Mother and Daughter


She responds with, “No,” to which I retorted, “Why?” She said she was and I quote, “Waiting…..” My mouth flew open, and I scooted to the edge of my seat, and I asked her for what or who? Nothing, nothing at all. She was finished talking. It was climatic and a cliffhanger all in one fell swoop. I may never know.
Don’t worry. I’m trusting in God’s perfect timing, but I do get rather curious now and then. Today was just one of those days. I just had to ask. I think her answer can be comprehended as “No, not today.” I do know when God calls her home she is ready. She has been more than ready for 20 years. I look back over the past twenty years though and look at the lives she has touched. It never stops. People have written and called me all through the years, in fact, just yesterday and today about how a story or a photo touched them. Mom loves people, and she is so loved by so many, even strangers.
Every time I see her say or do just the perfect thing at the perfect time and I see how it affects a person (myself included) its a reminder to me that God’s not finished with her here on this earth yet.
With a smile and a happy heart,