This morning I checked in with the sitter from last night, as I do every morning, and I was told Mom was up since midnight last night.  The sitter checked her frequently to make sure she was comfortable and not hurting or needing to be changed and she was fine, but Mama had a lot to say last night.

Evidently, in Mama’s mind, she was back at work as head of the Payroll Department at the company she retired from and she was having issues with some men.  Seems that she was having to fuss at them about getting things right!  I mean do your job and do it right!  Mom ran a tight ship at home and the office and earned the nickname “Work Horse.”  We often said she had it written across her forehead.

The sitters and aides in her assisted living community always are amazed when Mama is less than cooperative and I tell her to let me have something (usually something she has a death grip on) so I can go wash it.  Or if it is a blanket, I’ll tell her I need to fold it and put it away.  Since caring for Mama the past ten plus years, I have come to call these “necessary lies.”   I will do almost anything to keep Mama happy.  Before the Alzheimers progressed, she hated for me to leave her, it hurt my heart so bad, so I decided to start telling her I had a “job” to do,  aka pick up the kids from school, go clean house, start supper, something that involved activity and work.  When I mentioned those things, it became easier for her to let me go.  She was glad I was working on something, anything.  She understands work, even now.  She was a hard worker and expected everyone else to work just as hard.

I don’t know what those men were or were not doing last night in Mama’s mind, but boy, they had better get their act together!  There is no slacking in Norma Jean’s world.

With a smile and a happy heart,


We had a fun dance party in Mama’s room this afternoon. After her little siesta and before supper, I had placed her in the wheelchair. She was awake but just staring off into space, so I turned on some of her favorite church songs.  Nothing.  No response.  I tried starting a conversation.  Again, she wasn’t engaging.  I resorted to her favorite tunes…some Floyd Cramer music, and she immediately started clapping and moving her head side to side. Mama does the cutest little shoulder action too.  Oh, it brings me so much joy.  All six of her children have the same love of music and most love to dance as well.

Dancing, Alzheimers, Music, Music therapy

Mom and I dancing at her 88th birthday party.

So as Mama is listening to her jam, in waltzes (no pun intended) Mrs. B.  Mrs. B.  is another resident down Mama’s hall, and she walks nonstop.  Often, she will stop in our doorway, surveying the room, and walk on,  but sometimes she will walk in, find a seat and take herself a little nap.  Today she heard the music and came inside the room.   I knew Mrs. B. loved to dance because on a couple of occasions I have helped her walk to her chair in the dining room and she breaks out in this cute, playful little dance, and of course, I play along or should I say, dance along.   I love Mrs. B.  She is very expressive and playful.  As she comes in further to Mama’s room, she smiles broadly and then she starts doing the shoulder motions and some fancy footwork. Oh, it was so much fun to see these two ladies, totally unaware the other was even in the room but enjoying the time immensely.  My face actually hurt from smiling so big.  I hope when I am older my children will use music therapy with me.  I see an amazing difference in Mama when I insert music into her daily life.  Music runs in our veins.  Thank you, Mama, for giving us a love for music and dance.

Okay, I admit, I drive my family crazy.  I have ALWAYS been one of those people who would get a prescription, and before reading the bottle, I would read all the literature that was stapled to the package.  Do you know anyone like that?  When my son ended up with c-diff after taking an antibiotic, I became even more serious about reading the possible side effects, and honestly, I decided after a series of hospitalizations with him, that I would only use antibiotics when I absolutely had to.

From that day forward I made it a point to find alternatives to medication, beginning with antibiotics.  I still read the fine print on everything and researched online as much as possible.  I also informed the healthcare professional about the situation my family went through and why I am so adamantly opposed to antibiotics as well as other medications.  I always try to find other alternatives to Western medicine. My favorite products to use for the past four years are the Young Living oils and supplements.  I started with ten little bottles and simple directions and used them as conditions surfaced in my family and while at camp with our youth group and had amazing results…every single time.  I became a believer quickly.

We have so much information at our fingertips now with the internet.  Use it.  Skip Wikipedia and go to Mayo Clinic or WebMD.  I have no medical training at all.  I am a mother, wife, grandmother, and daughter and the older I get, the more I realize, we have a choice.  We always have a choice.

With a smile and a happy heart,


Today, a sweet gentleman, from St. John Bosco, came to Mom’s room as he does on a regular basis to pray over Mom and also for her sitter.

He opened his prayer book and began reading the prayer and Mom made the sign of the cross. He went on to pray a second and third prayer from his little book.  His third prayer was for her Guardian Angel.  What happened next was so precious.

Guardian Angel

It went like this…He read, “Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom His love commits me here;” STOP. At this point, Mom leans forward in the chair and gives three kisses into the air. Now she is a smart woman. I snickered because her guardian angel has been working overtime the past couple of weeks.

UPDATE:  Yesterday as I was going through 40 plus journals, calendars, and notepads I have stacked on my table for review, I picked up a small, red, thin notebook.  I opened the cover and found this.  So very, very special indeed.  To have this prayer, the same prayer the gentleman prayed,  that was obviously part of Mom’s daily routine and in her own handwriting.  What a treasure.

Guardian Angel, Prayer,

Mom’s Guardian Angel Prayer

Thankful for dedicated people who visit and pray with the sick and elderly. God bless you, sweet man.  Extremely grateful for a mother who also liked to write down thoughts and ideas.

With a smile and a happy heart,