Entries by Ellen Stephens

The Uninvited Guest

My younger sister is nearly my Irish twin. We are one year and one week apart and for the large part of our fifty plus years, we have been very close. She is my best friend for life. This year was our first birthdays without our beloved Mother. I tend to be more emotional than […]

Sailing past 50!

A few weeks ago, I celebrated another wonderful birthday. Every year I am given an opportunity to live and to love, I am grateful. The farther away I can get from the big 5-0, the happier I am. I know, that sounds weird, right? Let me explain. My Dad died at 50 while I was […]


Necessary Lies

Early on in Mom’s Alzheimers disease, she hated when I would leave. It caused her to be confused when a “piece” of the puzzle was removed. She would drill me with questions like Why? Where? How long? Can I come? Did I do something wrong? and so many more. It broke my heart to see […]

And Then There Was One

Two weeks ago, on a Tuesday evening, amidst my Mother’s post-funeral paperwork pile, my mother-in-law being hospitalized, my husband staying at his Mom’s side and my business being insanely busy, my youngest of four, Chrissy, moved out from the only home she had ever known for 20 years into an apartment she will share with […]