Entries by Ellen Stephens

That’s a Tough One to Swallow

Three years ago, on the heels of my 50-something birthday, I was in a local hospital for the better part of the day, walking the halls, locating different examination areas I was scheduled to visit to hopefully aid my gastroenterologist in ultimately diagnosing the choking issues I had experienced for years. I’m not the kind […]


My 35th Anniversary of a Miracle

In 1981, in the heat of the summer, my beloved and I vowed our love to one another surrounded by several family members and a host of friends. After being married three short months, having never had any medical problems previously, I was pretty certain I had become pregnant. With much excitement, I went to […]


Your First Birthday in Heaven

Today marks the first birthday my Mother was not here, touchable, tangible, huggable. But oh, she was here in spirit. Even without her present, that absolutely could not stop me from honoring and celebrating her life and legacy. I have posted many, many posts on social media along with some wonderful videos of the birthday […]