And Then There Was One
Two weeks ago, on a Tuesday evening, amidst my Mother’s post-funeral paperwork pile, my mother-in-law being hospitalized, my husband staying at his Mom’s side and my business being insanely busy, my youngest of four, Chrissy, moved out from the only home she had ever known for 20 years into an apartment she will share with her future husband after their marriage in three short months.
The weekend before she left, we were able to make time and help them make several trips (nearly 20) to get the little place set up for her. It needed some minor repairs in the bathroom, so we weren’t sure when she would be moving out but knew it would be soon. Tuesday, she texted me to let me know the landlord had given her the all-clear on the bathroom repairs and she informed me she was sleeping there that night…all alone. Her big sister had been asked to sleep over at her new pad but refused to spend the night with her on a school night. They are both in the final year of college and she studies late and rises early. So, ready or not Chrissy, you’re growing up in 3,2,1…
So without any fanfare, without a final farewell dinner, without anyone even home to say goodbye, she left. She was excited to face the world, excited to take independence by the arm and excited to “set up” her first home. She never looked back. You know the song made popular by Kelly Clarkson, “Miss Independent”, well she was the poster child of Miss Independent that day.
Chrissy is our fourth child and our second daughter. Her big sister was only 17 months older than her, so they were nearly twins to us. You see their older brothers were 8 and 12 when they came along so now you see why we treated them like twins. Those girls have always been best friends and love each other 99 and 44/100% of the time.
As a soon to be college graduate and newlywed, May will bring many changes to this young lady. This month, however, brought one of the first changes to this ole Momma. One of the rituals Chrissy and I had made was we both naturally wake up early and are both avid breakfast eaters, so we would grab a hearty breakfast with coffee and watch the news and chat. I always loved and cherished that time we had together. Last year, however, after my Mom was put on hospice and I had 24 hours sitters, I would leave the house at 6:30 every morning and not return until nearly 8:00 a.m. at which time Chrissy was already gone to college. This went on for a year and I told her often how much I missed those early morning talks. I could tell a difference in our relationship as a result. Last month, my mother passed away and I was able to resume mornings with Chrissy. How precious God is to give me almost a month of mornings with her before she moved out. I am so grateful for that time. Now Chrissy comes over a couple of afternoons a week for coffee with us, a tradition some dear friends do with their mother/grandmother.
Chrissy and her morning coffee
In the short
Her dad and I are proud of her accomplishments thus far and look forward to celebrating her college graduation completed in only three years. Then seven short days later, her wedding.
For the record, the only things this squirt says she misses is bottled water and Casa, one of our favorite restaurants to pick up supper from. For the record, I don’t buy it Coco.
Spread your wings, little girl. Its time for you to fly high, higher than you ever dreamed possible.
Chrissy, myself in the back, and Mel while in New Orleans recently.
This made me tear up, lol remembering when my little chick flew the nest! It’s definitely not for sissies! Us Mama’s have to bite our bottom lip and smile through the tears!
Truer words have never been spoken my friend. We are adjusting much better now.